Mother teresa is dead
Submitted by Fernie Forge on Tue, March 5, 2013
Fernie Forge recently made a ten foot high steel wall as part of a stage set for the Pacific Theatre in Vancouver. Our daughter Florence is a costume designer who was given her first opportunity as production designer – using the stage and lighting to create an atmosphere for actors wearing her hand dyed costumes to perform in. We helped turn Florence’s vision into reality and Sandra attended the opening night of “Mother Teresa is dead” on March 1 2013. The great acting combined with beautiful set made a powerful impression. It is the first time the thought provoking two act play has been performed in Canada.
The following afternoon at an exclusive event for season ticket holders, Florence was interviewed for nearly an hour by the artistic director and invited to explain her concept. Sandra was then asked onstage to talk about her part in the collaborative process. Influenced by the play being set in India, Sandra described the brief, her five panel design and how it was made. Perceptive comments and questions from the audience added insight and actually being on set sitting by the wall was an intense experience. Thanks to the production crew and everyone involved in making it happen.